Eating Healthy While Traveling

Eating Healthy While Traveling

The perfect way to spend your free time is to travel around the world. Strong food and beverages are a near second.

You will enjoy tasty local delicacies and a good bottle of wine when traveling. With these ideas, you will continue to consume delicious and healthy food while also enjoying fun and socializing.


1. Bring snacks
The pleasure of your holiday already starts on the plane, but don’t get tempted by the treats on the plane and bring some snacks yourself. You can take healthy bars, fruit and other snacks with you in your hand luggage, so that you can get through your flight easily and healthily. Nowadays you can also communicate certain dietary requirements – for religious or medical reasons – to the airline when you book a ticket. You can often indicate up to 48 hours before departure whether you have certain dietary requirements and even eat vegan in the air. This is only the case with intercontinental flights. During your flight to London, it is therefore better to stick to your own snacks, so that you do not hang over your neighbor’s sausage roll.

2. Get a mini fridge
When booking a hotel room, make sure you have one with a mini fridge. This way you not only have access to extremely expensive mini packaging, but you mainly have access to a space where you can store your own fresh and healthy food and drinks. If you can’t quite finish your dinner, you can ask for a doggy bag. Keep it in your mini fridge and enjoy it the next day during your picnic lunch in the park.

3. Memorize important words
When traveling outside of Europe, people may simply not understand you. If you have certain allergies or if you just don’t want to eat certain ingredients, memorize the translations for these words. Consider, for example, the words sugar’, ‘healthy’, ‘gluten’, ‘salt’, ‘allergic’ and ‘meat’. Or solve the language barrier by printing useful sentences and handing them to the waiter. This way there can be no confusion and you can enjoy a healthy meal without any problems.

4. Drink plenty of water
Especially when traveling to a warm destination, it is important to drink enough. Drinking enough water not only prevents dehydration, but also reduces hunger. Make sure you always have a bottle with you that you can refill, but make sure you can’t drink from the tap all over the world.

5. Look for a market
Of course we don’t mean a vintage market where you can find cool clothes, but the market where seasoned men and women scream and sell their healthy fruit and vegetables. Everywhere in the world you can score fresh and delicious fruit and vegetables on the market. Grab a bowl of mini tomatoes to snack on while you cruise through town and a basket of raspberries to keep in your mini fridge and make your breakfast extra healthy the next morning.

Watch How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

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